

报告题目:Contribution to the Return of the Traditional Practice of the Use of Wood of the Palm and Rattan in the Structures of the Buildings in the Context of the Modernization of the Habitat in West Africa: Case of  Bioclimatic Floors

报告地点:尼泊尔加德满都 尼泊尔学院
报告嘉宾:Bioclimatic Floors,贝宁理工大学

The wood of the Palm and rattan are locally available materials in abundance in the sahelo-Sahelian zone of Africa. They are part of the best service wood used in the habitat, during the colonial period in Africa, for the realization of frame floor, beam of overlapping’s for ceiling, roof framing, header in the lightweight constructions because they develop a strong mechanical resistance and resist the attack of termites. Over-exploitation and the appearance of the concrete contributed to the abandonment of their use as ecological and economic materials. However economic habitat in Africa needs is increasingly growing.

The objectives of this work are:
-Optimize the volume of wood's Palmyra used in traditional constructions;
-develop hollow floors and other elements of structure weakly inflected with new material involving both the Palmyra Palm, rattan, concrete and Earth.
-Promote the implementation by local authorities of a policy of rattan and palm plantations to make their industrial wood.

In this communication, it will be exhibited:
1. The typology of the buildings using wood's Palmyra according to traditional practices during the colonial period in Africa,
2. A few mechanical and physical characteristics of wood Palm and rattan, promoting their use as reinforcement in the ordinary concrete and late rite Earth;
3. The description of the method of sizing and the process of a reinforced floor to Palmyra and rattan frame.
Key words: wood's Palmyra Palm, rattan wood, plant frame, planting
