Bamboos products as the best substitute to wooden products in China


会议名称:2013世界木材日研讨会(2013 World Wood Day Symposium)
会议地点:Karimjee Hall, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
报 告 人:Dr. Lou Yiping 
     Director of Center for China-Africa Agriculture and Forestry Research 

With the rapid social and economic development and protect forest resource in China, the wood products can no longer meet the market demand, which makes the domestic market rely on the import increasingly. Bamboos, with its special features, are very good raw material for construction, housing, furniture, flooring manufacturing. To substitute wood with bamboo in wood industry is certainly an environment -friendly strategy. China has a large resource of bamboos and also developed advanced technologies to produce high-finish bamboo products to substitute wooden products in markets.

Speaker Profile
Dr. Lou Yiping is the Director of Environmental Sustainable Programme and the Director for the Center for China-Africa Agriculture and Forestry Research (CAFOR), the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR). As a forest ecologist, he has been working on forest ecology, sustainable forest management, and bamboo forest related environmental issues since 1984. In recent years, he has been specifically focusing on sustainable conservation and uses of biodiversity in production bamboo forests and the potential of bamboo forest management for mitigation and adaptation to climate change.                             
