The Contribution of Wood and Wood Industries to Sustainable Development in Ghana


会议名称:2013世界木材日研讨会(2013 World Wood Day Symposium)
会议地点:Karimjee Hall, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
报 告 人:Emmanuel Appiah-Kubi  
     Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (CSIR-FORIG)

Wood is a sustainable raw material and many depend on it for their livelihood. In Ghana, wood and wood products contribute immensely to the gross domestic products of the nation. The social, religious, cultural and economic importance of wood to the development of rural communities and the nation at large is immense. This paper reviews the contributions wood and wood processing and craft industries have made in various aspects of life towards the development of rural communities in Ghana. Literature was reviewed for information and primary data were collected through interviews and questionnaires. It was reported that in 2011 over 107 Million Euros was realized from the export of wood products. The wood industry provides direct employment to several thousand people, and partial employment and livelihood for an estimated two million people. Apart from providing jobs and income locally, the industry also undertakes rural development projects such as road construction, building of schools and provision of health facilities. Sale of handicraft (mostly wood carvings) increased from mere USD 60,000 in 1989 to more than USD 3,000,000 in 1996 and current trend indicate an increase in the sales of wood carvings in many of the carving centres. In Ghana, it is estimated that about 20-30,000 people are engaged in the wood craft business with some individual ventures making up to about USD 62,500. It is recommended that wood carvers associations in the country should be supported to acquire modern tools and equipment to enhance their output and contribute to livelihood and development of the country.

Speaker Profile
Emmanuel Appiah-Kubi is a Research Scientist at the Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (FORIG) under the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). He is currently the Head of the Timber Engineering section of the Forest Industry Development Division of the Institute. He has a Master of Philosophy degree in Civil Engineering and specialized in Timber Engineering. He has had a lot of experience in the timber industry in Ghana through processing and construction of timber structures. He conducts research into the technological properties of wood for efficient utilization. His research work has helped to promote and enhanced the use of lesser used wood species in Ghana through efficient processing methods and techniques. He also has a lot experience in the use of wood through the design of wooden structures and supervision of wooden constructions.
