Cultural values ​​and worship of Wood in the Bamileke chiefdoms: Example Batoufam


会议名称:2013世界木材日研讨会(2013 World Wood Day Symposium)
会议地点:Karimjee Hall, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
报 告 人:NAYANG TOUKAM Inocent
     Chefferie Supérieure Batoufam

" A Bamileke chiefdom is a socio-cultural , political and religious entity on a well-defined territory." This is the brief definition given Sylvain DJACHE NZEFA of leadership in his book "Between the real and the imaginary : Architecture -Art- Sociology ; Bamileke chiefdoms in Cameroon ."
For centuries , wood has always been a sacred value in the starting cultures bamiléké even the foundations of royal sovereignty . Animistic practice of these peoples is the wood as the place of God and the sanctifying . Oral transmission of power to the king enthroned through initiation rites in the sacred forest is the basis of this value. In the transmission cycle , the wood becomes an immutable educational support over the generations , a tool of artistic expression involved both education chiefs who succeeded to that of the entire community. This operation is reflected in the architecture of chiefdoms through doorways , pillars and artifacts (masks, gourds , royal seats , royal accessories, everyday objects ) that are part of the cultural and religious life of Bamileke communities.
Leadership Batoufam is one of these entities has retained the original architecture . His door frames and pillars carved symbols convey the philosophy of power and life within the chiefdom. The wood is in fact a tool to transcribe this wisdom in a sustainable manner as well as the books are even better because of their strength over time . The choice of wood quality and the traditional method of keeping reflect the centenary desire to preserve this sacred essence . The unusual architecture of the entire leadership with the introduction of low doors in order to prevent access to animals is as much evidence of a thoughtful and effective timber exploitation. Finally, the sacred forest is until now the best way to preserve biodiversity .
The wood core essence within bamiléké cultures sees alas, now threatened , won by the phenomenon of deforestation due to the increasing modernity of our societies. Hence the importance , in this celebratory occasion of the World Day of wood to reveal this sacred and historical value that incorporates beliefs and way of life of communities. Leadership Batoufam became aware of this weakness and put in place a process of conservation of this rich heritage. We now have a community museum labeled "asset case" by the Road Program chiefdoms whose leadership is a partner. The theme of the exhibition is " Batoufam architecture of power and social cohesion." It is marked by a scenography in the leadership course. The purpose of this approach is to preserve the original architecture and sacred value of wood in all cultural and religious practices of the Bamileke community while participating in cultural diversity.

Speaker Profile
Sa Majesté NAYANG TOUKAM Inocent est le 14e chef de la dynastie Batoufam, chefferie bamiléké de premier degré à l’Ouest du Cameroun. Il est né le 25 mai 1967 et succède à son père Toukam FOTSO Elie Roger en 1989, à l’âge de 22 ans.
Son règne est caractérisé par une grande ouverture d’esprit, une volonté de ralliement et une forte volonté de revaloriser le patrimoine culturel de Batoufam dont il est le principal gardien. C’est dans cette démarche qu’en 2011, il signe la charte de la Route des Chefferies, programme de préservation et de valorisation du patrimoine culturel des chefferies de l’Ouest. Par cette signature, il manifeste ainsi son engagement pour la préservation et le développement culturel de sa communauté. Il a entrepris plusieurs actions dans ce sens parmi lesquelles la réalisation d’un musée communautaire, de cases d’hôtes, des animations d’ateliers de pratiques artistiques traditionnelles entre autres.
