2015世界木材日研讨会——Clearings and Sacred Forests


演讲嘉宾:Aldis PUTELIS,拉脱维亚大学民间文学艺术研究所

演讲摘要:Folklore texts and historical documents have preserved somewhat contradicting information: it appears that the agriculture system of the ancient inhabitants of Latvia has been based on creating clearings in order to develop land for cultivation. At the same time there have been parts of forests that were off limits to activities of this kind, where even hunting and gathering were prohibited.

The folklore texts cannot be exactly dated, though they are quite likely to have preserved some ancient knowledge. On the other hand, the historical documents regarding the Latvians have been written by people foreign to the local tradition, so though these have exact dates and names of the authors there sources can be questioned.

Nevertheless both types of sources are credible enough to state that the attitude of our forefathers towards wood was not just that of a user towards a resource.

  Aldis PUTELIS先生1963年出生于拉脱维亚锡尔古达,曾在拉脱维亚大学学习拉脱维亚文,之后留校工作。他的研究领域主要涉及拉脱维亚神话和历史研究。
