2015世界木材日研讨会——International Developments in Tall Timber Buildings


演讲嘉宾:Andy Buchanan,新西兰坎特伯雷大学教授

演讲摘要:This paper describes the huge international opportunities for engineered wood to be used in modern timber buildings. This is essential for a greener future on our planet, to reduce world-wide dependence on energy and CO2 intensive materials like concrete and steel, by using renewable engineered wood to construct tall timber buildings for growing populations.

Design and construction of engineered timber buildings requires new wood-based materials, an efficient wood supply chain, removal of institutional barriers, and innovation by designers.  

Modern timber buildings are being used in the rebuild of Christchurch, New Zealand, following the massive 2011 earthquakes. New Zealand has local pine plantations, and a growing wood processing industry. An industry-government research partnership has supported innovative design of post-tensioned timber buildings in New Zealand and Australia, now moving to other countries.

Demonstration buildings are needed to give confidence to investors, and all players in the supply chain. There is an increasing number 6 storey to 10 storey timber buildings in many countries, and proposals for even taller timber buildings are those for Chicago (42 stories), Vancouver (30 storeys), and Vienna (24 storeys).

The design of tall timber buildings requires attention to many aspects of performance including structural engineering, fire safety, seismic design, durability, acoustics and sustainability, all of which have to be addressed with care.

  Andy Buchanan先生是新西兰坎特伯雷大学荣誉教授。他是一名结构工程师,研究领域主要为木材加工、木材防火和防震。他1970年毕业于新西兰坎特伯雷大学并获得学士学位,1972年获美国加州大学伯克利分校硕士学位,1984年获英属哥伦比亚大学博士学位。他在木材工业和建筑领域拥有丰富的工作经验,曾担任新西兰木材设计学会主席。
