2017世界木材日研讨会——Traditions and Genetic Resources: Associated Traditional Knowledge Contributing to Conservation of Genetic Resources in the Kailash Sacred Landscape, Nepal


演讲嘉宾:Laxmi Dutt BHATTA,国际山地综合发展中心(ICIMOD)

摘要:Traditional knowledge (TK) is very important for human development however faces risk of loss in many parts of the world, including Nepal. There are few studies on the determinants of TK use and erosion in the Kailash Sacred Landscape Area. Present study documents TK and shows factors determining its erosion in Gwallek-Kedar Area in the Kailash Sacred Landscape, Nepal. The Gwallek-Kedar Area, spreading across 8 Village Development Committees, is rich in biodiversity and people residing in the vicinity of this area are using these resources for medication, livelihood support, and livestock feed. The study documents traditional knowledge especially on agriculture and forest-based herbal remedy of the area, and empirically determines the factors behind the erosion of such knowledge. 

The study documented 56 types of TK from the study area and were classified into three categories; namely- agriculture and livestock (20 types), traditional medicine (32 types), and genetic resource conservation (4 types). Out of the total, six TK were selected - two from each of the three categories for detailed evaluation in household survey. The selected TK's were terrace cutting and composting; Use of Silfode for milk production; Use of Tite to treat fever and cold and cough; use of Satuwa for headache and stomachic; Choto seed production in traditional way; and Use of ash and Bojo/Timur for wheat seed storage. 

The most practiced TK among the six was Choto seed production in traditional way (72% of the sampled households), followed by Tite for cold and cough (70%), and use of ash and Bojo for wheat seed storage (58%). The study found gender preferences for intergenerational transfer of traditional knowledge. Individuals prefer ‘father to son’ or ‘mother to daughter’ intergenerational transfer of knowledge. The binary logistic regressions showed that the five major factors significantly influence the use of traditional knowledge.
