2017世界木材日研讨会——Scientific Intervention in Forest Management of Nepal


演讲嘉宾:Vijaya Raj SUBEDI,尼泊尔政府森林与土壤保护部

摘要:Nepal is rich in natural resources including forest resources where timber utilization is traditional culture. Forest occupies a total of 5.96 million hectare which is 40.36 % of the total area of the country. Other wooded land (OWL) covers 0.65 million ha (4.38%). Forest and OWL together represents 44.7% of the country. In spite of several efforts by Government in forest management of lowlands of Nepal in a scientific way for economic growth of nation and sustainable forest management, various attempts had been failed because of centralized institutional structure of forest management administration. Promoting scientific forest management (SFM) approach based on silvicultural systems for different forest types and management regimes had been urgent due to the consequence of traditional forest management like deteriorating forest condition, increasing gap of forest product demand and supply and failure to generate revenue as per the productive capacity of forests. Practically, past management regimes did not follow silvicultural systems as the then current practices could not prompt regenerations, appropriate age classes, growing stock and increment. 

Nepal has losing its potentiality of earning millions of rupees annually as royalty by selling timber and firewood due to lack of scientific forest management (SFM). The government expects to generate about 1 billion USD annually after the implementation of SFM plan which is many times higher than the current contribution of the forestry sector to the national economy. So, Government realized the necessity of an immediate shift in existing forest management and further suggested to reorient policies, priorities and human resources towards immediate intervention of SFM. Tthe Government of Nepal introduced SFM approach with management plan and silvicultural interventions through formulation of Scientific Forest Management (SFM) Guideline, 2014.  So far more than 50000 ha forest area is being managed by this approach.   

This paper focuses on scientific intervention to manage forests of Nepal with appropriate silvicultural system, management paradigm change and enhancing the productive capacity of forests of Nepal.
