Plant Biodiversity Loss and the Gradual Collapse of Wood Culture——2018世界木材日研讨会


会议地点:柬埔寨 · 暹粒
演讲嘉宾:Inocencio Jr. Escoton BUOT, University of the Philippines Los Banos/ UP Open University

摘要:There is rampant loss of plant biodiversity in the Philippines and in many countries of the world now. Incidentally, this impacts all those who are dependent on plants and plant products, including the politicians, lawyers, doctors, the artisans, the artists and the general public. Among the artisans, the wood carvers are marginalized with rapid plant biodiversity loss as they lost everything they need to express their art. The paper presents the conservation status of plants in Bataan, Batangas, Palawan and selected provinces in Mindanao, Philippines. Data were gathered either from the field or from literature. Determination of the conservation status was based on the modified Philippine instrument largely based on IUCN guidelines. Bataan (The Roosevelt Protected Landscape) has 24 threatened plants. Batangas has 55, Palawan has 272 and Mindanao has 168 threatened plants. With the increasing list of threatened plant species, there is a negative impact on carving, wood use and the wood culture in general. Artisans will have nothing to carve on. In Paete, one of the wood carving villages in the Philippines, many people are venturing on paper mache instead. In other areas carvers use only the available wood even those with very low quality. Society may face the danger of losing the age old wood culture. There is a need for massive and holistic biodiversity education for everybody, including the community of artisans. A massive open online course (MOOC) on biodiversity education would be appropriate in today’s digital era.
